Saturday, June 10, 2006

the much wished for star trail...

Bakkarthach, June 2006
12:30 am till 2am!

It was freezing cold outside at 2 am in the morning but somehow managed to get my camera on a tripod for an hour and a half exposure to get this much wished star trail!

We had planned three nights at Bakkarthach to get the star trails but the weather didn't seem to be with us (atleast in the first few days). The skies got clear one fine night though it didn't look like when I went to sleep at 9 pm. Thanks to Kunal, Vibhor and Drupad who woke me up at midnight when the skies cleared up.

I would cherish this shot for years to come! [:)]


Anonymous said...

dude u should have mentioned the guys who were awake to wake u up when the sky cleared so that u cud get a shot that u'll keep for life..very bad mohit...

g said...

Kunal, just that I dont like taking names on this blog.

But since you said, I did :)

Kiran said...

great shot master tegu...

Anonymous said...

Amazing shot Tegu!

Anonymous said...

I must say tegu.... this is classic!!
